What is IELTS ?
The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is a English Language Test known for its standardized testing is administered by the British Council and IDP Australia for acceptance into the UK and associated Commonwealth countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Ireland. An increasing number of universities in the United States and Canada are also accepting the IELTS score. It is advisable to get proper training under industry experts for maximizing your score. In fact, SUCCESS4SURE is the number one best IELTS coaching center in BHAGTA BHAI KA ,BATHINDA DISTRICT, PUNJAB as far as IELTS training is concerned. This is because it has a proven track record of delivering highest band score improvements. Therefore, S4S IELTS Training in BHAGTA BHAI KA program is ideally suited for candidates who must meet their Band criteria to join their dream program or job.
IELTS Pattern
IELTS has two modules, General and Academic. The General module is for immigration and therefore requires only working knowledge of the English language. The Academic module is for students looking to study in foreign Universities. The Academic module tests the analytical skills of the students and therefore requires more rigorous preparation. It is not wise to take chances with your IELTS preparation because by attending the Coaching at BHAGTA BHAI KA, you are definitely in a better position to grab wide opportunities world-wide.
Academic module: –
The academic module is for those candidates who wish to enroll in universities and other institutions for higher education. Therefore you may be in a big confusion while choosing the Best IELTS Coaching Center in BHAGTA BHAI KA that fits your needs. We invite you to come and meet our professionals to get the best IELTS coaching classes with us and get your desired bands.
General Training module:-
There are some tricky question models for which students must equip themselves to perform to the best of their ability. However, this may not be taught at most IELTS Coaching Centers in BHAGTA BHAI KA apart from S4S. The general IELTS training modules are designed for those who require for immigration services, self employee in other counries.
Test Pattern for IELTS Exam:
- Listening test: In Listening test there are 40 questions and time is approximately 30 minutes. The module shall have multiple choice questions, short answer questions, sentence completion and chart/ table completion based questions respectively.
- Reading test:In Reading test there are 40 questions and time is approximately 60 minutes. The questions will be based on the identification of writers’ views/ attitudes, matching lists/ phrases, labeling a diagram and choosing suitable paragraph respectively.
- Writing test: In Writing test there are 2 Tasks and time is approximately 60 minutes. The section will be consisting of Task -1 and Task-2 whereas Task-2 is same for both Academic or General. In Academic IELTS , there are line graphs , bar chats, tables and models but in General IELTS , there are letters (formal, informal and semi formal).
- Speaking test:In Speaking test there are 3 parts and time is approximately 11-15 In this module it is consist of Face to Face interaction with an examiner
Tips and Tricks to Crack IELTS:
- At the beginning of each section read the questions carefully before the recording starts. This will help you to fullow the recording and identify the answers.
- When listening session will start always listen carefully to your examiner that what he/she is saying.
- It will help you to crack listening test.
- To improve your reading skills you must have to read any topic daily or chapters so that during exam you can read topics very well. This will help you to read easily and quickly.
- Be careful to always use your own words during writing exam. The words will not be include those are copied by another students by the examiner.
- When you start writing before that you must think what you have to write about that topic.
- Words should be in your own language and Clear and Precise.
- For speaking test you must understand that how you can improve your speaking skills by practice.
- You can improve your speaking skills by talking with your friends or with your office colleagues, or at work and on the mobile.
- In speaking test the examiner just check your skills and ideas that how you are using those skills and ideas while speaking about the topic.
IELTS Scoring
A Band Score for each of the four modules as well as an overall score is recorded on the Test Report Form. This allows receiving institutions to clearly identify the candidates’ strengths and weaknesses. These Band Scores are recorded on the Test Report Form along with details of the candidate’s nationality, first language and date of birth. The Test Report Form indicates whether it is for an Academic or General Training candidate. Each Band corresponds to a descriptive statement giving a summary of the English of a candidate classified at that level. Overall Band Scores can be reported in either whole or half Bands. The nine bands and their descriptive statements are as follows:
Band – 9 Expert User
Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding.
Band – 8 Very Good User
Has fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies. Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations. Handles complex detailed argumentation well.
Band – 7 Good User
Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning.
Band – 6 Competent User
Has generally effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies and misunderstandings. Can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.
Band – 5 Modest User
Has partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. Should be able to handle basic communication in own field.
Band – 4 Limited User
Basic competence is limited to familiar situations. Has frequent problems in understanding and expression. Is not able to use complex language.
Band – 3 Extremely Limited User
Conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent breakdowns in communication occur.
Band – 2 Intermittent User
No real communication is possible except for the most basic information using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs. Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.
Band – 1 Non User
Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words. Band 0 did not attempt the test. No assessable information provided.